Rosa Poveda builds urban farm in Bogota, improves communit Vía @cctv_america

Amid the streets of Bogota, Colombia, Rosa Poveda has built a farm and a school that works to restore pride in Colombian farming. CCTV’s Michelle Begue reported this story from Bogotá, Colombia.

Just outside Bogota, Poveda saw a piece of land that others considered a dump and transformed it into a garden that is part organic farm, and part classroom.
“This space serves as place to teach people. Look, we are part of nature, just like another bird. We shouldn’t destroy it, and only take what we need to live,” said Rosa Poveda, founder of Mutualitas y Mutualitos.

Poveda says she is an environmentalist and encourages people in the city to bring their trash here. In exchange, she gives them native Colombian seeds.
Poveda used old wood, plastic and other recyclable materials to build her home and farm. She uses biodegradable waste as fertilizer. Poveda also gives tours to university students and to local schools whose students want to learn about everything from growing spices to how to create an urban farm.
“The organization has different programs, one with the elderly, another with children and others for people with disabilities. Originally we wanted this to be for just kids, but it grew,” Poveda said.

She has two assistants who work for food and shelterl One of them is a former homeless man from the neighborhood who suffers from drug addiction.
“Rosa asks me to build things and I do it with the recycled materials. I do it with a lot of effort, but we have been able to make this a reality,” said Mauricio Meneses, an assistant at Mutualitas y Mutualitos.

“From that door in here you can see thieves, students from different universities, and police officers. Outside they may not be able to even look at each other, they may kill each other, but in here I have made it clear that this is a territory of peace,” said Ruby Poveda, Poveda’s daughter and a budding environmentalist.